Erosion needs Earths rock
Erosion is wearing down and carrying away rocks by wind and moving water, happens faster with steep hillsides and heavy rain
B. They get their energy from the sun
Plants are producers because they produce their own food by getting energy from the sun. A consumer gets food by consuming other organisms.
Hope this helps friend.
Yes, this is true:
Equator runs through the northern part of Lake Victoria (which is on the border between Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania). Specifically, it passes through some islands (the Ssese Islands, some of which are inhabited) on Lake Victoria that belong to Uganda.
Ganymede is the biggest and the most massive moon of the planet Jupiter. It has a metallic core. It moves in an orbital path around the planet Jupiter and orbits every 6-7 days. Half of the moon is comprised of silicate rocky materials and half of it is made up of water ice. Out of all the moons, Ganymede has the highest rock composition.
Europa is one of the moons of Jupiter. It is even smaller than the earth's natural satellite (moon). The core of this moon is made up of iron and nickel, along with some silicate materials but they are extremely in a lesser amount in comparison to the earth's core. Europa's surface is comprised of ice and water is present in a significant amount below the surface.