Shelly provides multiple perspectives (narrative shift) throughout three volumes of the same story. In each of these volumes, you learn the perspective of Walton, Frankenstein, and Adam (AKA the creature). This allows the reader to develop for themselves who they believe is guilty and come up with their own interpretation of the story. This allows for a more reliable narration because if only one perspective is given, how would you know they weren't just lying or giving a bias interpretation?
The word philosophy means love of wisdom. It makes perfect sense. Philosophy is a branch of human science that seeks to understand the complexities of nature and humanity. These are profound questions, such as where we came from, where we are going, and many other questions that natural science cannot answer. Philosophy seeks to give man greater wisdom and ability to reflect on universal issues.
The states
Under the Articles of Confederation, justice and law enforcement are left to the states
Explanation :Inicialmente se hablaba de "confederación" en el caso de alianzas, por este motivo la palabra "confederación" aún se usa en instituciones de la sociedad civil no estatales (por ejemplo, la Confederación General del Trabajo de la República Argentina o la Confederación Europea de Sindicatos, etc.). Por esta razón el término confederación también se emplea para describir todo tipo de organización que combina la autoridad derivante de otros entes semiautónomos. En tal caso se pueden citar como algunos ejemplos las confederaciones deportivas.