cultural capital
Under the field of Sociology, cultural capital constitutes all the social assets of a person that society may consider valuable such as wealth, style of dressing, speech ,education, intellect that promote social mobility in a class-stratified society
In the example above, the sociologist easily distinguishes two people based on these social assets.
A. it's connected to the things that matter to you
Similarity of the drug molecule to other molecules normally transported lung cells.
Similiarity of the drug molecules ot the lung cells would ensure that the drug affects only the lung cells and does not interfere with other tissues. This can also ensure proper absorption and prevent any adverse effects of the drug on other cells, tissues.
The technology that allow producers to obtain and use materials from all around the world is called: Shipping
Before shipping exist, the Trades are limited to areas that still connected by land (at that time, railroads are the most popular choice among producers).
Using new shipping technology, we can create a ship that able to reach inter continent distance while minimizing the risk of sinking and reliance to wind. This allow us to use materials from all over the world for production.