The families of Judeans who were exiled to Babylon spent 70 years away from Judah. It is believed that small groups of Jews began to meet at synagogues, or Jewish houses of worship.
As the the shock waves move away from epicenter, they cover an enlarging circle of area, with the result that the same energy is distributed over a larger area, resulting in lower energy per unit area.
The answer is stock exchange. The stock exchange is a facility in where the stock brokers and traders can then buy as well as sell securities like the stocks and bonds or other financial instruments.Hope this would be of help then.
The correct answer is Depression
Depression is a highly prevalent mental illness and is the most associated with s/de. It tends to be chronic and recurrent, especially when untreated.
The treatment is medicated and psychotherapeutic. The choice of antidepressant is based on the subtype of depression, personal and family history, good response to a particular class of antidepressants already used, the presence of clinical disease and the characteristics of antidepressants.
The answer is the south should be readmites as quickly and painlessly as possible.
Lincoln's reconstructive policy toward the South was lenient because he wanted to popularize his Emancipation Proclamation.