The correct answer is B. because they seperate the powers in order to not make anything confusing and for other people to think they can boss other people around and its not apart of their group so the powers are seperated.
The answer is Torah. I only know this from that one vine that says, "i want a jewish girlllllllll that goes to a temple, to read her torahhhhhhh"
But hope it helps!
Answer: Serotonin is likely in short supply
Explanation: serotonin is a neurotransmitter produced by nerve cells that is involved in depression, appetite, and is crucial in maintaining a sense of well-being, security, etc. It is called the happy chemical because of it involvement in making one happy. An imbalance influences the mood of an individual.
Well, the best answer is: we don't really know for sure; the event wasn't documented properly.
There are some guesses though, and one of them is the following: the Liberty Bell cracked in 1824, when Marquis de Lafayette was visiting. Another time mentioned often is 1835.
The basic unit of the society is the family and family living under roof is called a home. It is not of no doubt that everything happening under that roof is a simulation of bigger economic systems. The budgeting and allocation of the supplies and demands can be patterned on a much larger scale.