D. Unable to deal with threats from foreign powers. British soldiers still occupied British forts in America, yet congress has almost no power under the A of C, so they technically had no power to kick them out.
He contracted malaria from his many voyages. Obviously, in his time frame there wasn't a cure until another couple hundred years.
The answer is "reinforcement".
The behavior comes into contact with contingencies of reinforcement after the model evokes an imitation. The controlling variable for discriminated operant is the new contingencies of reinforcement. This situation explains Controlled Relation, which is considered as the most important property that defines imitation between a model and a similar behavior.
Content validity
Your friend, Tania, is asking your advice on her new study design. She is conducting a study on whether milk chocolate consumption prior to a memory task will improve recall performance as compared to consuming white chocolate. She decides to include three participants in each group. You tell her that she should likely have more participants or she will lack <u>content</u> validity. Content validity has to do with whether your research subjects or respondents are representative of all aspect of your research construct. Increasing the sample size or the number of replicates per treatment increases the construct validity by increasing the degree of freedom and reducing experimental error. Increasing the sample size will make the study a more representation of the entire study population.
According to protagoras, the most practical course for most of us <u>"involves behaving in a conventional way."
Protagoras is best known for his proclamation: "Man is the measure of all things." He prevented the presence from claiming target truth and qualities, supplanted reality with appearance, and diminished truth to a matter of person's translation and point of view (perspectivism). Truth turned out to be in this way in respect to a gathering of individuals and people (relativism).