The correct answer should be resistance.
Tomas is resisting tourism in his village because he thinks the missionaries only bring disturbance to his peaceful village. This is the reason why he doesn't want to help them in order to drive them away so that they would stop coming and visiting for good, but that is unlikely to happen.
Because her services as a nurse, cook, spy and scout were not documented compensation was hard to get. All Tubman had received was $200 for 3 years of service. all the doucumenus lacked official sources
<em>Se puede ganar mucho, desde el punto de vista empírico yanalítico, del estudio comparativo sistemático de Canadá y Estados
<em>Unidos. </em><em>Ambos países comparten muchas condiciones ecológicas y demográficas</em><em>; sus niveles de desarrollo económico y de
<em>movilidad social son similares, y culturalmente tienen también
<em>mucho en común. Sin embargo, existen claros ejemplos de sus