When you want to figure out synonyms for a word.
A. abcb
Read the poem out loud, paying particular attention the the last sounds of every line. Rhyming words sometimes look alike, but it's the sound that matters.
Death pronounced: deth
me pronounced: meee
selves pronounced: selvz "elvz" and "eth" are not similar.
ty pronounced: teeee Also has "eeee" sound like line 2.
To write the scheme, answer 'Does this line's last sound rhyme with anything <u>above</u> it?"
If no, continue with the alphabet.
If yes, take the letter from the line it rhymes with.
Line 1 No (nothing is above it)
Line 2 No (not above)
Line 3 No
Line 4 Yes, Line 2!
The rhyming scheme is abdb.
opo,upang marami PA akong matutuhang sawikain
topic sentence, the developing details, and a concluding sentence.
subtopics to be covered in the essay
The thesis is that both books have the same main theme, so in order to make the thesis statement stronger the author needs to add subtopics to be covered in the essay, like the migration caused by drug wars and child immigration, this could help strengthen the thesis statement and make it clearer and more precise.