Another important function of HTML is it gives information to the browser about the meaning of the content and how the content should be structured. As of HTML5, the tags --generic example for illustrative purposes only-- are referred to as 'semantic.' Semantics = Meaning. There are tags, for instance. When the browser sees an article tag it knows how to treat what is between the tags. There are and tags. For navigating through your site there is the . Not only does this make it easier for the browser to interpret but also makes it easier when it comes time to add styling with CSS and for interacting with the HTML using JavaScript. I recommend reading a little about the DOM (Document Object Model) and HTML5 and semantics. W3Schools and MDN (Mozilla Developers Network) would be a couple of good places to start.
I'm new on here so I don't know if there is a message or chat system but if so, feel free to send me a message if there is anything you feel uncertain about after doing some research and I'll be more than happy to help you if I can. I'm far from an expert but I have a little experience behind me. If I don't know, I'm sure we can figure it out together
HTML is a very basic markup language and requires memorization of a few dozen HTML commands that structure the look and layout of a web page. Before writing <span>any HTML code or designing your first web page, you must decide on an HTML editor or text editor, such as Notepad or Word Pad.</span>
The use of automated program smurf in exploiting Internet Protocol(IP) is called smurfing. When the attackers uses this program the part of a network which is attacked becomes unusable.
You can counter smurfing by disabling IP broadcast addressing at every network router.