an individual having two different alleles for a specific trait.
Gregor Mendel discovered the principles that governs heredity. In one of his experiments, he discovered that an organism receives two forms of a gene called ALLELE from each parent. He realized that one allele is capable of masking the expression of its variant pair in a gene. He called the allele that masks or is expressed, DOMINANT allele while the allele that is masked, RECESSIVE allele. He termed this principle the LAW OF DOMINANCE.
The above explained law of dominance is what applies in the question here. When the homozygous round allele and wrinkled allele were crossed, the allele for round seeds are dominant over the allele for wrinkled seeds (recessive) i.e. in a heterozygous state (combination of the different alleles), the round allele will mask the phenotypic expression of the wrinkled allele, expressing itself over it.
The answer would be in the middle of the lake away from other skiers or swimmers in the water.
Given the choices that would be the best answer because it is the safest. When towing a skier, you need to be at a safe distance from hazards like the shoreline, swimmers, boats, and skiers. It is advisable that you distance yourselves at least twice the length of the rope you will use for towing.
Higher heat of evaporation required to break hydrogen bonds
Water molecules are joined together by intermolecular hydrogen bonding. Evaporation of liquid water into water vapor requires extra energy to break these hydrogen bonds to separate the water molecules from each other.
Since a higher heat of evaporation is required, the water molecules absorb the heat from the skin surface or leaf surfaces during perspiration and transpiration respectively. This leaves the cooler skin and leaf surfaces behind. Therefore, the presence of intermolecular hydrogen bonds and the need for extra energy to evaporation water allow it to exhibit a cooling effect.