Bipedalism can be define as a form of terrestrial locomotion, in which the organism moves with the help of two rear limbs or legs. Typical bipedal movements includes the hoping, running and walking. The evolution of the human bipedalism occurred in primates in about 4 million years ago with Sahelanthropus (oldest human ancestors or African Apes). The human ancestor Sahelanthropus led to the morphological alterations in the human skeleton including changes in the bones such as size of the bones of the foot, knee size, shape and orientation of the vertebral column, and leg length. All these changes contributed to the bipedalism.
Organisms that can only grow in a media having specific nutrients included in it are called a fastidious organism, this implies that these organisms have specific nutrient requirements for their growth.
MM 1 represents the minimal media which has basic nutrients present in it, however as the fastidious organisms require some particular or complex nutrients for their growth they can not grow on the minimal media.
Therefore, since the organisms that are given in the question is able to grow on the minimal media MM1, this implies that it is not a fastidious organism.