Option 1 is the Correct Answer
Eastern Manufacturing being a one item organization is reliant on a solitary item for their benefit. As the item is at its immersion organize in showcase, the advancement of new item can carry another method for income to organization or the organization would before long face endurance issues.
This is because the unemployment rate give only takes into account people that are unemployed and are looking for work. It does not account for those that are unemployed and have given up.
ex) A woman who looses her job because of technological advances is looking for work and is considered unemployed (taken into account), however a man who has tried looking for work after he was laid off has given up (not counted)
ex) A woman lost her job during the depression and cant seem to get a job with her limited skills. She has given up and is not counted in the unemployment rate
Answer: False
While Proprietorship do indeed have the tax advantage of not having to pay Corporate income tax, the same cannot be said for the ease at which they can raise capital.
In general, Proprietorships find it hard to raise capital as investors will be worried of investing into a one person run operation. They would rather prefer that their investments were protected by the law and that the company had enough experienced people on board as well which is why they would prefer a Corporation.
Even getting loans as a Proprietorship can be hard because banks will set a high rate for the business to cater for a default risk.
The value of the best choice is called ' Opportunity Cost' in economics.
If I were to start a business, I will choose Sole Proprietorship.
Reasons why I will choose Sole Proprietorship
* I will be the sole owner and responsible for my business.
* All profits (and loss) will belong to me, means the more I work harder, the more return I (alone) will get.
* I can make all the decisions by myself, without the interference of any other person.
* I can expand my business as per my convenience and hard work, if I succeed I can eat all the fruits myself.
* I can grow my business as much I want.
* No one will be my boss, I will be setting my own working hours and work load etc.