In my knowledge, if countries are under trusteeship, that means that there is suporvisory control by one or more countries over a trust territory. In other words, it's basically a non self-governing territory placed under an administrative authority by the Trusteeship Council of the UN.
Asia is a staggering 17.2 million square miles; the closest to that may be Afria at only 13.5 million square feet.
Asia is also the largest by population for this standard.
The answer is B. A tertiary source provides summarized, condensed information for quick reference. It is also a consolidation of the primary and secondary information. The information is also convenient. The examples of tertiary resources are encyclopedias, almanacs, chronologies and textbooks.
D. Ability to acquire and use energy
The correct answer is D. Athens is the capital city of Greece, which is a country of Europe.