Racism is founded in part on the belief that race is a biological phenomenon. As a result, biological differences become an explanation for social differences. In genetics, social distinctions become naturalized.
Case study
Mateo was reading about Konrad Lorenz for his psychology class. Lorenz was able to get goslings to become attached to him, thus demonstrating the imprinting phenomenon. These goslings were the subject of a case study, which is a descriptive method that closely examines an individual or a small group.
Case study is a research strategy and an empirical inquiry that investigates a phenomenon to generate an in depth understanding of a complex issues within its real life context,it is used to gain a better understanding of a subject or process and used to narrow down a very broad field.Freud's works and theories were mostly developed through the use of individual case studies.
Cahokia is a known historic site that can be found in Illinois, United States. Tribes lived in this place during the 17th century and they became the most influential urban community during this time. Mound Builders was also known as Cahokia tribe, they move to other place and decline to stay due to weather condition and tribal warfare. They started moving in different regions.
Answer: Servant Leadership
Explanation: The service leader shares power, puts the needs of others first, and helps people develop and perform their jobs as well as possible. Service leadership reverses the pyramid of power; Instead of people working to serve the leader, the leader exists to serve others. When leaders shift to this paradigm of serving first, leaders achieve a purpose and creativity in those around them, resulting in better performing, more motivated and more satisfied people.