A. Big Data
It is big data. The internet searches, customer transactions, social media posts, medical tests, weather sensors, military surveillance, and all the data source you are seeing around yourself forms together with the big data. And a big social media company gathers around so many petabytes of data each day. And there are so many such companies, plus all sorts like eLearning sites, etc. And all these together form the big data.
MULTITASKING OPERATING SYSTEM is an operating system that enables and allow user of either a smartphone or computer to make use of more that one applications program at a time.
Example with MULTITASKING OPERATING SYSTEM smartphones user can easily browse the internet with two applications program like chrome and Firefox at a time or simultaneously
Therefore a user working with two apps simultaneously is an example of a unit that uses a MULTITASKING OS.
The media communicates unrealistic body image through various ways, which are mentioned in the available options for the question. It definitely digitally alters images that they use for their various publications, and it also provides forums to discuss actor and actresses, including their looks.
The media also often criticizes high-profile individual’s current body condition – whether they are too underweight or too overweight. Thus, the best answer for the question would be (D) promoting all body types.
Java does not supports multiple inheritance by class, but we can implement multiple inharitacnce in java using interface, with interface we uses implements keyword.
Declare interface like below code -
interface parent{
and use in child class like below code -
class Child1 implements interface{
class Child2 implements interface{