Kings were chosen by the warriors. The king would be the leading warrior
The expansion of the United States throughout Latin America
The rise of nationalism in Europe
The rise of big businesses, creation of monopolies and the gaining of massive sums
of wealth
The rise of civil unrest in the United States
Which of the following describes a "robber baron"
Tony Stark and Captain America jk sorry.
The Union and Confederates
C. He conquered the Aztecs and built a new city
- August 13, 1518 when the last Aztec emperor surrendered to Cortes. The city was conquered, but the destruction continued, and the foundations of a new city, Mexico, were formed on the ruins of that city.
- King Charles V appointed Cortes as governor of the newly conquered territory.
- He was also assigned four assistants who closely followed each Cortes movement.
- Cortes initiated the construction of the city of Mexico by destroying the temples and other structures of the Aztecs and then erecting this city in the area.
Learn more on Hernan Cortes on
He replaced the elected consuls and the Senate with an empire that could be inherited by members of the ruler's family.
Sulla, not being the Emperor in the modern sense of the word, he, however, possessed sole and unlimited power in the republic. His dictatorship dates back to 83-80 years BC, but the period of his sole rule began, in fact, in the 88th, when Sulla was elected consul. He held this post for eight years against all laws, including the Constitution. Formally, democratic institutions existed under him. There was even a second consul. But this consul was 'technical,' fulfilling the will of Sulla. There was a Senate, which was controlled in the same way by a dictator. The death of Sulla did not lead to major changes. The transition to one-man rule was a matter of time.