Legitimate Power is the most effective type of power.
Jim Crow laws were state and local laws passed from the end of Reconstruction in 1877 through the mid-1950s by which white southerners reasserted their dominance by denying African Americans basic social, economic, and civil rights, such as the right to vote.
At the mall, homer bought a personalized astrolabe for himself instead of the family Christmas tree he was planning to buy.
In "Tis the Fifteenth Season," we learn that Homer took his family to Springfields Height Promenade.
There instead of purchasing the Christmas tree which he had saved up for, he rather purchased a personalized Astrolabe for himself.
Then, for other members of his family, he purchased keychains.
Learn more about Homer here:
anxiety and novelty seeking
Anxiety will create a general discomfort that can happened in many instances (maybe in social situations, when learning something that they're not comfortable with , etc.) In some cases, they responded to this anxious behavior by seeking novelty as new source of excitement to replace their anxiety.
Among children, novelty seeking (excitement seeking) probably carried out by running around, pulling their friends' hair, screaming, etc.
But if this type of behavior is carried out until adolescence, the novelty seeking that they seek to address their anxiety could developed into things such as vandalism and substance abuse.