HTML is an acronym for hypertext markup language and it is a standard programming language which is used for designing, developing and creating web pages.
Generally, all HTML documents are divided into two (2) main parts; body and head. The head contains information such as version of HTML, title of a page, metadata, link to custom favicons and CSS etc. The body of the HTML document contains the contents or informations of a web page to be displayed.
An HTML file starts with the <html> tag and ends with the </html>
Basically, this tag is to inform your web browser that the HTML file or document starts from that point.
I can give you five slogans to choose from:
1. The power of all will make corruption fall.
2. We must all fight because corruption is not right.
3. Corruption will be gone if we all act as one.
4. Our strength is corruption's death.
5. If we fight together, corruption will wither.
The dependency theory asserts that rich countries of the world should be "overdeveloped" while poor countries should be "underdeveloped". Reliance hypothesis is the thought that assets spill out of an "outskirts" of poor and immature states to a "center" of rich states, enhancing the last to the detriment of the previous.
They still believed that the lands claim by texas east of the el paso river belongs to mexico and not rhe united state