The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
The National Association of Colored Women.
The National Urban League.
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People advocates for providing justice to the African Americans in the United States. It focuses on ensuring the 'political, educational, social, and economic equality' of African Americans. It also aims towards diminishing racial discrimination.
The National Association of Colored Women functions on the issues of civil rights and providing justice to African American Women.
The National Urban League is a civil rights organization. It works for the justice of African Americans in economic and social terms. It also works to eradicate the racial discrimination prevalent in the United States.
First Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru was born in Allahabad Uttar Pradesh on 14 November 1889 and died on 27 May 1964 due to a heart attack.
-Creating a strong political and military aliance with France
^That was <em>not </em>a goal of the Nazi Party, Germany actually invaded France in 1940.