We can calculate intrinsic value by intrinsic formula
Formula : intrinsic Value = (purchased price- current price) x 100
intrinsic Value = (45-44.75) x 100
intrinsic Value = $25
By dropping production costs, subsidies aid domestic manufacturers strive in contrast to foreign imports and attainment export markets. Subsidies proceeds many forms as well as cash grants, low interest loans, tax breaks and government equity contribution in domestic companies. Government subsidies should be paid for or usually by taxing people and businesses. The biggest protectors of the agricultural subsidies are the industrialized nations of the world and the consequence of subsidies is subsidies protect inefficient domestic producers. Conferring to the strategic trade policy, subsidies can assist a company to attain a first mover benefit in an developing industry. Non-tariff obstructions which comprise of subsidies, quotas, voluntary export restraints and anti dumping duties.
Three part test.
The outcome: if the three requirements are not met, then there is not point the Government should interfere.
At the end, the law will be held.
In some cases, the courts are allowed to protect individual, company or business organization from Government interrupting with these individuals or business organization "fundamental right" and this is the "substantive due process rights " of insurance companies as mentioned in the question above.
The test that the United State Supreme Court can use to determine whether the regulations they want to enact would violate the substantive due process rights of insurance companies is what is known as the THREE PARR TEST.
THE THREE PART TEST has its root from cases such as that of Pasgraf V Long Island Railroad co. The three part test involves three main subjects and they are;
=> foreseeability: are the policies in which insurance companies work going to affect the consumers in the future?
=> proximity: what kind of relationship do the insurance companies have with there consumers?
=> fairness: are these policies just and fair?
CONCLUSION: if the three requirements are not met, then there is not point the Government should interfere.
Answer: A
Cross training
Cross training involves teaching an employee the the skills required to execute the task he/she was employed for and also the skills required to perform a different job function. G4S is a security firm and the primary job function of its recruit will be protecting life but there might be case of an injured individual that need quick medical help, in such cases an employee is required to know basic first aid. Hence the need for cross training.