The answer is A. war childs
Perhaps the most celebrated man in the 369th was Pvt. Henry Johnson, a former Albany, New York, rail station porter, who earned the nickname "Black Death" for his actions in combat in France. In May 1918 Johnson and Pvt. Needham Roberts fought off a 24-man German patrol, though both were severely wounded.
The Republican Fascist Party
England first sent a group of colonists called the London Company in December of 1606. So England had a part in the settling of the James River colony too. John Smith ordered the colonists to clear land and plant crops that they traded with the Algonquin Indians.
John Rolfe arrived in Jamestown at the James River colony in 1611. He helped them pay for their settlement by teaching them to grow tobacco and selling it to England in 1614. That was a great success.