Approximately 180 million years
All continents were united in one super continent known as Pangaea. according to Wegener, an observation into the shape and designs of the continents reveals that all the continents were once one large mass. the continent begun to split approximately 180,000 million years ago.
The answer would be “the igbo women’s war”.
It was the work with the railroads have a nice day sir/maam
Ghana gained independence peacefully, while Kenya and Algeria had to fight violently before gaining independence.
While Kenya became independent in 1963, it was through series of violence from the Mau Mau against the British. Similarly, Algeria had to fight violently against French rule before gaining independence in 1962.
The above is in contrast to Ghana who gained independence peacefully from British rule in 1957.
Hence, The key difference between the experience of Ghana's independence and that of Kenya and Algeria is that "Ghana gained independence peacefully, while Kenya and Algeria had to fight violently before gaining independence."
Paddy cultivation plays a significant and vital role on rice production. Most of the global population depends on the 480 million tons of rice produced each year as the basis for their lives.