Intel is more for work and such, while AMD is foucsed on gamers. I use AMD because I play many games, but it really depends on what you use your computer for.
Cinematography is the blend of art and science and it deals with the recording of moving images on film or a digital storage device.
While making a movie some example of cinematography are the conclusions reached about lighting, camera filters, lenses etc.
Las imágenes son las percepciones visuales que las personas tienen respecto de la realidad que los rodea. Así, a través de la visión, las personas pueden interpretar el contexto en el cual se encuentran inmersos, organizando los distintos componentes de la realidad en la cual desarrollan sus vidas, para poder comprender entonces de qué modo proceder ante las diferentes eventualidades de la vida.
Es decir que, a través de las imágenes, y en conjunto con las demás percepciones sensoriales, los seres humanos pueden contextualizarse en un entorno en el cual se desenvuelven, organizando su vida y su realidad a futuro.
The question is a bit unclear. Are you asking how to add these values in this 2D array?
This would depend on the issue the computer is having.
In many cases though a simple reboot does the trick.
If your computer is slow and glitches, try cleaning it for viruses and also clean the fans. If they are dusty the computer can overheat and that can cause it to slow while its working harder to cool down.
In other cases you may not be running the proper software compatible with your device, or programs may be outdated. Check online with the company that manufactured your computer to see if you need to install updates or change certain software.