Trench Warfare is a fighting tactic used during World War I on the Eastern and Western Front. Trenches are simply dug down, and each country would not let one another advanced
Answer: The central government usually makes us abide by much rules. That concluding could be a good thing depending on how you look at that situation, without rules there is no stable economy, that being said will most likely turn into chaos and create problems and bad environment.
Explanation: ...
Archaeologists identify Poverty Point culture by its characteristic artifacts and the nonlocal rocks used to make them. Imported rocks and minerals include various cherts and flints, soapstone, hematite, magnetite, slate, galena, copper, and many others. Radiocarbon dates indicate that some raw materials were being traded to the Poverty Point site and other sections of the Poverty Point culture area by 1730 B.C. The arrival of substantial amounts of these trade materials is a convenient point to define the onset of Poverty Point culture, and their disappearance, a good point to mark its end.
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the relation ship bad the spanish kill and slaved the indians living in america