Prime numbers are numbers that are only divisible by 1 and themselves. So, to tell if a number is prime, look at its factors.
1 x 19
1 x 29
1 x 39
3 x 13
So, because 39 has more than one set of factors, it's NOT a prime number.
Composite volcanoes are tall, steep cones that produce explosive eruptions. Shield volcanoes form very large, gently sloped mounds from effusive eruptions. Cinder cones are the smallest volcanoes and result from accumulation of many small fragments of ejected material.
Rivers change the surface of the earth. They are the agents of erosion, deposition and transportation. When rivers flow, they erode the rock with them and strong current pushes them. ... After cutting, they carry the stone, pebbles and other solid things and when the current is slow, they deposit the load on the land.
The humanistic perspective was responsible for influencing the development of positive psychology.
Constitution of a country is the base of every country's development. Five ways that shows the validity of the statement “ a country without a constitution has no future for its populace, especially the youths” are as follows:
- Increase in the number of crimes as there will be no constitution.
- No laws and regulations regarding education will affect children and youths.
- A country without constitution will have no employment laws for youth and it can en the mental state of youths.
- There will be no privacy security among the population.
- The economy and development of country will not able to stand among other countries.