When community development is effective, there is less crime, less disparity between citizens, better jobs available, a more talented workforce, and less overall issues that impact residents. Community development doesn't necessarily solve problems in a city; it reduces problems and increases opportunities for growth.
There are only two which are in the question
Peace and piece
Dear Ethan,
First of all, I would like to thank you for inviting me to your wonderful wedding. Congratulations! I hope both of you enjoyed the night as much as I enjoyed the chicken cordon bleu. Man that was delicious! Also, if you wish to extend your fabulous celebration, try considering the resort in Maldives, the one I mentioned before.
Again, thank you and best wishes.
your forever single pal,
Eddie Diaz.
The fear of not being believed , if there are no witnesses , is a major reason in the case of sexual assault.
<span>Together with a feeling of shame and/or fear of reprisal by the offender. </span>
<span>Defence of such charges (against adult victims) usually argues the sexual encounter was consensual, or seeks to prove the victim is someone of loose morals and/or went further than intended - or the charge is totally false/malicious. </span>
<span>It's often difficult to prove 'guilt beyond all reasonable doubt' and many victims simply prefer to avoid the publicity and possible denigration of their character. </span>
<span>As regards domestic violence - the young will often be under threat of even more violence if they report the abuse - as can apply to adults, particularly females who might actually still 'love' the perpetrator, despite the violence - which will often result from a drink or drug problem, the bully expressing 'remorse' and promise not to do it again. </span>
<span>Until the next time, etc.</span>