Do a ratio dude:
12.2 19.5
------- = ------
200 x
Solve, and you get that x is approx equal to 320 mg.
Cross section<span> is a cut at an angle perpendicular to its axis so its interior </span>structure can be viewed<span>.
</span>A structural section describes a house's foundation assembly. This structural section refers to the section of the assembly that is horizontal and it shows the basic shell of the house.
Developed along waterways so that settlers could have access to water for crops and food
For a marketing research study to have validity, it must actually measure what it sets out to measure.
When it comes to research, we need to make sure that the measures we are using are reliable and valid.
Reliability refers to consistency across time, items, and researchers. Validity refers to what degree the results of the research reflect what they are intended to reflect (if the research actually measures what it has set out to measure). There are three main types of validity:
- face validity - the extent to which the research actually measures what it's supposed to measure;
- content validity - the extent to which a measure represents all aspects of the researched phenomenon;
- criterion validity - whether the results of the research correlate with other variables they are expected to be correlated with and not correlated with variables they are not expected to be correlated with.
Learn more about the use of databases in research:
Manufacturers try to locate their factors as close as possible to their inputs and markets to cut transportation cost. Other issues could be the availability of raw material, land, water, labor, power, capital, transport, and market. Examples of these manufacturers and/or industries would be the market for construction workers or “factor markets”. Industries and/or companies such as McDonald’s and other fast food chain, rely on these factor markets for materials to continue to expand and increase the economic growth and success.