The ancient Romans left for the governments of today the legacy of Roman law, which serves as the basis for a large part of the legal systems of Europe and Latin America.
Roman law is the law that was applied in ancient times, first in Rome and later in the entire Roman Empire. Since the sources of ancient Roman law collected in the Corpus iuris civilis were rediscovered in Bologna in the high Middle Ages, the effect of Roman law continued into the 19th century, as the sources were considered authoritative for the law in most European countries. The establishment of the Corpus Iuris Civilis as valid imperial law in the Holy Roman Empire led to codifications in today's Europe, which conceptually led to the reception of Roman law.
The reason for the expansion to the thirteen colonies was for religious freedoms as well as other freedoms. Without religion perhaps they may have neverbranched out.
It established 50 main countries in Africa and divided the continent into colonial holdings. The best way I can put it.