When using color in computer-generated presentation, you should use the same background color on all visuals and no more than two colors for words. This is a p<span>rinciples of </span>color and must be applied in computer-generated presentation aids like models,g<span>raphics( visual representations of information) and pictures (photographs and illustrations).</span>
She needs to get there earlier so that she can see the drivers out on time.
I will respond by saying the destination is not the most important , the journey is.
(a) scope: function, lifetime: duration of the function
(b) scope: function, lifetime: duration of the program
(c) scope: global (all modules), lifetime: duration of the program
(d) scope: module (file), lifetime: duration of the program
Firms that use high-speed computers and communications networks to execute millisecond trades for themselves
High Frequency traders are different entities that take part in the market that use powerful computers to be able to be fast at answering to news and have a big number of trades. These traders use advance tools to evaluate the markets and anticipate trends quickly to obtain profits from the trades they make. According to this, the answer is that High Frequency Traders are Firms that use high-speed computers and communications networks to execute millisecond trades for themselves.