if only person was in charge of a government, it would gradually convert into a dictatorship, simply because there are no other branches of the government to keep the executive government in check. This is why governments have three branches, to make sure power is balanced. Two branches and even four branches wouldn't work because of uneven balances in power.
cities like Timbuktu and Gao into important cultural centers. He also brought architects from the Middle East and across Africa to design new buildings for his cities. Mansa Musa turned the kingdom of Mali into a sophisticated center of learning in the Islamic world.
An "economic motive"-if we have to resort to definitions. -is that tendency in human beings to calculate the costs and the. returns involved in pursuing a certain desirable end and to choose. that line of action which will give one the greatest returns in propor- tion to the expenditure of effort involved.
He thought that they would prootect their land and stand their ground