Erasmo Seguín was a prominent citizen and politician in the old San Antonio de Bexar, today San Antonio TX.
He helped creating the Constitution of 1824 and advocated the addition of a general colonization provision after Mexico got their independene from Spain, also the lessening of slavery restrictions and the allowance of immigrants into the Mexican territory.
The correct choices in the questions above is the third choice, where it meets a social need and improve the economy. It is because when they spend money in education, it reaches and meets the social need of the persons who are not capable of studying because of their lacking and it also improves economy because when students graduate, they could enter jobs where they could help rise and improve the economy in the country.
d. Sasha will own the house and earn equity as its value increases.
flashbulb memories
The idea that people typically recall accurately where they were actaully when they heard about September 11, 2001, attacks but are less precise about what they were doing or telling them, leads experts to conclude that flashbulb memories, though not fully reliable, contain "substantial kernels of accuracy."
A flashbulb memory is a finely detailed, extraordinarily detailed ' snapshot ' of the instant and circumstances where a piece of shocking (or emotionally exciting) news has been received.
The Han Dynasty saw greater expansion than the Qin Dynasty and established crucial trade routes.