Montesquieu was a French lawyer, man of letters, and one of the most influential political philosophers of the Age of Enlightenment. His political theory work, particularly the idea of separation of powers, shaped the modern democratic government. Effects on the Modern World: Montesquieu’s writing and ideologies in his book The Spirit of the Laws had a major impact on modern society, helping create the bases for the democratic institutions after the French revolution, and can even be seen in the constitution of the United States of America.
He had lived in England and praised English liberties and mocked the French court and Parisian social life. In his work called The Spirit of Laws, he describes three kinds of government: Monarchies, Republics, and despotic governments. He also wrote in his book that governmental power should be divided among three branches: Legislative Branch (law-making), Executive Branch (law enforcing), and Judicial Branch (courts). His ideas were used to help create several constitutions.