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por que es en equipo
India experiences the monsoon season
From the picture, it can be seen that India experiences the monsoon season.
This is evident in that the southwestern summer monsoon is brought into a low-pressure area primarily as a result of great heat moving over the Thar Desert in places like Rajasthan and other nearby areas during summer.
This is illustrated in the picture as wind direction moves inwards at this period, making the moisture-rich wind blowing from the Indian Ocean moves to the low-pressure region, hitting the great Himalayas, and thereby leads to rainfall.
There is no cure for ADHD. But there are several option to help with ADHD.
1. Lithosphere
2. Hydrosphere
4. Biosphere
The lithosphere/geosphere is made of the earth's core, the mantle, crust, ocean floor,mountains, sand, etc.The hydrosphere is made of everything water such as oceans, rivers, lakes, rain, and snow.The atmosphere is made of gasses such as oxygen, and hydrogen.Finally the biosphere is all that has life such as plants, animals, people, insects, etc.