You can have unpaid balance prior to you stopping transactions. If you don't pay them off immediately, interest will grow each month depending on your unpaid balance.
The one that is being referred to as the whole set of meanings, beliefs, attitudes, and ways of doing things that are shared by some homogenous social group and typically handed down from generation to generation is called culture. A culture is considered to be a norm and a social behavior in which humans consider it to be a central concept as the beliefs, attitudes, and customs are being transmitted or passed down from one group to another.
The last step before the bill becomes law the signing of the bill by the president.
When the bill reaches the president, he has three choices namely:
1. he can sign and pass the bill
2. He can refuse to sign, or veto the bill, in which case the bill is returned to the house of representatives along with the president's reasons for thr veto.
3. Do nothing (pocket veto). In this case, if congress is in session, the bill automatically becomes law, but if it is not in progress, the bill does not become law.