<span>it is a polysaccharidee </span>
BMI (IMC): 25.7 </h3>
Dado que el IMC de Laura es 25,7, tiene sobrepeso.
El sobrepeso puede aumentar el riesgo de ciertas afecciones de salud, incluidas las enfermedades cardiovasculares, la presión arterial alta y la diabetes tipo 2.
21 chromosomes
Meiosis is a type of cell division that produces 4 haploid daughter cells (i.e., gametes) from a single diploid cell. This parental cell undergo one (1) cycle of DNA replication and two (2) cell divisions, thereby, in the case of the Norway rats that have 42 chromosomes, the final number will be 21 (21 x 2= 42)
circulatory system is the answer