Maps and globes are drawn to scale and use symbols to represent topography and other features on Earth's surface. Grid lines on maps and globes are often used, with lines curving because the Earth is a sphere. The baselines for measuring distance on Earth are the equator and the Prime Meridian. Satellites are also often used as a mean to graph.
On a weather map a barometric pressure of 055 is shorthand for 55mb.
distance from the sea.
ocean currents.
direction of prevailing winds.
shape of the land (known as 'relief' or 'topography')
distance from the equator.
the El Niño phenomenon.
The deforestation of the Amazon rainforest to create land for the large-scale livestock rearing for meat destroys the water catchment area, leading to the water shortages and global warming.
I believe that the southern hemisphere would be experiencing winter