The warring sides in Angola used the media as an ideological weapon.
On November 1, 1861, President Abraham Lincoln names George Brinton McClellan general in chief of the Union army, replacing the aged and infirm Winfield Scott.
Military Conflict: Battle of Antietam
This would be the right to work because the first amendment protects the right of freedom of speech and the right to practice any religion and the second amendment protects ones right to bear arms (meaning they can own weapons) The United States Constitution never covers the right to work
I just shated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Answer: The answer to this question is A
At the end of the twentieth century, the term Mujahideen was often used in the media to describe various armed fighters who adhered to Muslim fundamentalist ideologies.
The best known, and most feared, mujahideen were the various loosely allied opposition groups that fought against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan between 1979 and 1989, and then fought against each other in the subsequent civil war. These mujahedeen were primarily funded, armed, and trained by the United States (under the presidencies of Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan), Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia. After the withdrawal of the Soviets, the mujahideen disintegrated into two loosely contiguous, opposing groups, the Northern Alliance and the Taliban, who then fought in a civil war for rule over Afghanistan.