1.) The character is most always influenced as to whats going on around them
2.) It influences the characters attitude and overall personality.
3.) May see changes in the character in general
Stick Bug. Stick bugs are perhaps one of the better known examples of insect mimicry. Commonly referred to as walking sticks, stick insects began imitating plants as early as 126 million years ago. Their twig-like appearance helps to defend them against predators that hunt by sight.It is common to see them walk in a swaying motion, pretending to be a twig caught by the wind. Other stick insect species have lichen-like outgrowths on their bodies that help camouflage them on tree bark. ... Echolocation used by bats can help them hone in on the tiny noises made by stick insects for a tasty meal.
Smoking, Cats, Eating, Taking pictures of art. and improper behavior.
the problem is run on sentence or you can add a comma after people