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<span>Johnson dubbed the domestic program the "Great Society" -- a sweeping set of New Dealish economic and welfare measures aimed at transforming the American way of life.</span>
Sublingual, IV, IM, insufflation, Skin absorbtion, Plugging, inhalation, eye absorbtion, and of course, swallowing. Discounting Skin and eye absorbtion, youve got 7 so i would go with that.
The remove_sort_reverse function takes a list, removes all "s" in the list elements, sorts and then reverses the remaining elements
<h3>The actual program</h3>
The program in Python, where comments are used to explain each line is as follows:
#This defines the function
def remove_sort_reverse(myList):
#This iterates through the list
for i in range(len(myList)):
#This removes all the s in the list elements
myList[i] = myList[i].replace("s","")
#This sorts and reverses the list elements
#This returns the updated list
Read more about Python functions at:
The three possible ways we could attempt an interpretation of the finding are listed below.
1. Society as a whole has failed its adolescents by not ensuring that they are brought up in healthy homes.
2. Parents have not created healthy homes for their children. Childbearing comes with a set of responsibilities on those who engage in the activity.
3. It is imperative to ensure that adolescents receive adequate love and understanding in healthy homes so that they may behave healthily.
Thus, since one cannot give what she or he does not have, society must ensure that we have healthy homes for the growth of adolescents and the nurturing of healthy habits.
Read more about adolescents and unhealthy behaviors at