The second one
Elisa, one of the partners in my company, decided to start her own business.
End Rhyme
As you may already know, a rhyme is a literary device that allows others to repeat identical or similar sounds in a few words throughout their literary work. This device is used to promote rhythm and musicality to the work.
An End Rhyme occurs when these sounds are established in the last syllables of the lines, as can be seen in the lines shown in the figure above, where the last syllable of the word "bough" (which is the last word of the first line) rhymes with the last dilaba of the word "rough" (which is the last word in the second line).
Explanation on how to answer:
Read the story and figure out whats missing. Without the whole story, no one can tell you what important part is missing. Find the section that that excerpt is from and see what the differences are, or post the full story.