<span>The importance of the G0 phase is that during cell division when the cell get a signal that there are enough of cells (not more required) or there is a mutation in the cell that need to be fixed before they differentiate fully or the cell during its division gets damage then it is signalled to rest, and it is this phase that cell leave the cycle and quit dividing. It could be temporary resting period (so when cell again required, or damaged got fixed) then the cells will again join the cycle and continue to divide again or it can also be permanent for example neurons, which are resting in G0 phase and never divides again.</span>
Answer: A
Caravan is just a parade in a different font
everything about cells
you told me to tell you that, and this answer is reasonable
but if you want you can write everything about cells on your test or homework and say you were too tired, sleepy, exhausted, and utterly brainwrecked.
B is the correct answer because all the classes are hierarchy’s in a sense
Most hormone feed back is a negative feed back mechansm, A feed back mechanism is a form of a signal mechanism loop where product feed back to control its own production.
For example pancreas is an important gland in an endocrine system which relies on negative feed back to regulate blood glucose level in the body to keep it within the required healthy range.