Emile Durkheim
Emile Durkheim was a French sociologist born in 1858. His works are recognized by modern sociologist. Durkheim work was involved with how societies could maintain their honesty and consistency in the modern era.
The book 'The Elementary Forms of Religious Life' was published in 1912, is this book it examines religion as a social event. Durkheim connects the spread of religion to common living.
Who is one ancient Greek playwright? Aristotle admired Sophocles (and particularly his Oedipus the King) because he wrote good plots about important people. Many people share Aristotle's point of view and consider Sophocles the greatest Greek playwright. We know of a total of 123 plays written by Sophocles, of which a mere seven survive.
Who is one ancient Greek historian? Herodotus is the most famous ancient Greek historian also known by most scolars as “The Father of History”. Herodotus was born in Halicarnassus, and lived in the fifth century BC.
Jews. More and More Christians believed that all non-Christians were their enemy. On their way to Palestine, some Crusaders massacred European Jews and continued the killing in Palestine. After the Crusades, Jews were expelled from England in 1290 and from France in 1306 and again in 1394. Many of these Jews moved to eastern Europe. Many Crusaders who stayed in Palestine came to respect Muslims, but Cristian tolerance toward Jews continued.
the Answer is TRUE
Pollen can be carried by wind, animals, or water. Animal-pollinated plants have fragrant or showy flowers to attract the animals.