A rescuer knocked a lantern out of a worker's hand and the ruins caught fire.
You should write a report on Google Docs( if you have Chrome) or Mircosoft Word ( if you have mac). Do the steps one by one. If they're is a rubric... follow it. May I ask what grade you are in?
He stated that he did not feel like rejoicing because the people he fought against had fought valiantly and full of pride for their cause and never faltered. He did add that although he admired their strength of belief, he did believe that the cause they chose was the worst cause in the history of mankind and that they were in the wrong.
The economic and social changes of the early 20th century greatly influenced the North American and European worldview which, in turn, shaped the development of new styles of art. Artists began to question and experiment with themes of reality, perspective, space and time, and representation.