Decentralization: The transfer of control of an activity or organization to several local offices or authorities rather than one single one.
Federal System: When political authority is divided between two autonomous sets of governments, one national and the other subnational, both of which operate directly upon the people.
The difference between a unitary and a federal government is that a unitary government puts its power in one central government while in a federal system the governing power is divided into federal and local governing bodies that connect to the national government.
The languages spoken in the Caribbean are mostly either European langauges (which shows that those areas were conquered by Europeans) or European-based creoles (which shows that the conquest was more "messy" than in the US: there was less strict connection with the European countries and more mixing among peoples).
Indigenous languages are no longer spoken(or by very few people), which shows the fate of the indigenous people there...
Answer: The Viet Minh, in full Viet Nam Doc Lap Dong Minh Hoi. An English League for the Independence of Vietnam, organization that led the struggle for Vietnamese independence from French rule. They I guess you could say wanted to take over the land that French has, they needed new territories in order to keep their trade orders going. But in time war began, and then the British went for the french to so there was just this big fight between them all.
Sorry if this really didn't help, I tried. Im working on history rn, so I just went through my lessons and got the info that I could gather from there and right off the top of my head.
<em><u>Boy </u></em>code
The Boy Code is <em>a collection of generally non-verbal rules and boundaries that tend to characterize boyhood and masculinity in America, according to William Pollack, PhD, author of Real Boys.</em>
The Boy Code's four foundational pillars are:
- <em>The Sturdy Oak </em>- Men and Boys must not be frail. No weeping, whimpering or hurt gestures allowed.
- <em>Give ‘Em Hell</em> - Boys are considered to be extremely active risk-takers who are physically violent. Boys often learn quickly that most of their poor behavior will be brushed off as "boys will be boys."
- <em>The Big Wheel</em> - Rank and superiority are vital; it's important to try to get to the top of the rankings, regardless of the cost. There's no embarrassment.
- <em>No Sissy Stuff</em> - Feelings are the women's domain, according to the Law. Especially feelings of tenderness.
<u>Answer:</u> Because of its altitude.
<u>Explanation:</u> The Rwenzori Mountains is a mountain range between Uganda and Democratic Republic of Congo. It reaches heights up to 5,109 meters (16,762 ft) and, along with <em>Mount Kenya</em> and <em>Kilimanjaro</em>, are Africa's only permanently snow-capped mountains on the equator.
The temperature decreases with the altitude. That happens because the Sun doesn't heat the air as it does with the Earth. The heat that is transferred to the atmosphere is absorbed by the Earth surface first. Since air doesn't conduct heat very well, the higher is the altitude the colder it is.
Another important point about the Rwenzori Mountains is that because of its altitude there are fewer temperature variations, which enables the preservation of ice caps the whole year around. In the mountains, the temperature variation tends to happen less frequently than in lower altitudes. Since the air in higher levels receives less heat during the day, it doesn't cool a lot during the night, preserving the temperature almost the same all the time.
The Rwenzori Mountains is known not only for its altitude, but also for its rare biodiversity. In the same place, you can find a variety of climates and fauna and flora species. Depending on the altitude, you can find yourself in a tropical rainforest, alpine meadow, bamboo forest, snowy peaks, and Afro-alpine moorland. That's why there's a great concern about the preservation of this mountain range. The climate changes that have been affecting the whole globe are already affecting this peculiar place.