The Ice Age had a great effect on where people settled in americans since they were only able to reach North America through the Bering Land Bridge, which was only frozen due to the extremely low temperatures. Without this they would have had no way to leave Siberia.
Since capitalism is based around the production and trade, consumerism as a movement that promoted consumtion logically increased the demand and the production. The more people consumed, the more profit did the companies have. By definition, consumerism promotes over consumtion of goods and services that are not neccessary or needed. Using the means of marketing and promotion, companies affect people's behavior by increasing the demand for certain products and therefore creating trends. In consumerism, products lose their value and are easily replacable. Also the appetite for variety of different products is increased.
C. in Powhatan Confederacy territory.
The first permanent settlement of the English immigrants in America was in the Colony of Virginia, called the Jamestown colony. This area was named after the James River, where the small island was situated.
The colony of Jamestown occupied land that belonged to the Powhatan Confederacy territory. And during the time the English settlers first arrived, the confederacy was under the leadership of the chief Wahunsenacawh, who is on the same level as the modern-day political leader.
Thus, the correct answer is option C.
America faces many challenges before even reaching San Juan Hill such as 500 villagers fighting off the Americans. Another thing that proved to be difficult was the Spanish shooting down hundreds of American soldiers. However these issues are overcome in the result of capturing Kettle Hill as well as San Juan Hill. All in all, the challenges the Americans faced were due in part to the Spanish defenders of the village and the Spanish artillery.