Heat is the flow of thermal energy from one object to another.
Hope it will be helpful !
Human resource development is currently as an important strategic approach to improved productivity, efficiency and profitability. However, the level of human resource development which should be the central driving force in the achievement of organisational goals and economic development in Ghana is not encouraging and should be given the needed boost by building the knowledge, skills, working abilities and innate capacities of all the people across the society. This study therefore examines the potential contributions of human resource development to organisations in Ghana in order to make recommendations that will ensure that the required human resource needs are provided. To do this, Asuogyaman District Assembly was selected as a case study. Both primary and secondary data were collected and analyzed. The study found out that 72.5% of staff in the organisation was involved in a training programme. Most staff occasionally had their training needs assessed. Performance management/appraisal and human resource planning are promoted. Human resource development contributes to increased productivity and builds manpower abilities. Based on the findings, it is recommended among others things that; all organisations should establish a human resource development policy that will encourage systematic learning, performance and change as a means to increase productivity.
John is participating in scaling; Jane is participating in a detection experiment question.
The experiment in which John is participating relates to the scaling question and the experiment in which Jane is participating relates to the detection question.
Scaling questions is a method used to construct understandings in order to assess a variable, situation, concern, relationship etc, it involved participant by asking them to perceive, described a variable based on a continuum i.e to rate, grade, usually based a scale of preference. John in the experiment was asked to determine how much brighter light has to be which is based on how he perceives the magnitude of the original light, the researcher is simply asking John to scale the light magnitude.
Detection questions are usually in an interrogative form used to exploring and searching for quality information; a technique that estimates detectability of the observer to accurately detect stimuli or a situation. Jane participating in an experiment was asked to determine how strong an odor has to be before she initially perceives the odor.
The solid, plastic layer of the mantle is called the asthenosphere. It is located beneath the lithosphere and is considered very mechanically weak. It is different widths depending on the temperature.