All of the are associate Justices of Supreme court. David Hackett Souter was associate justice of supreme court from October 1990 until 2009, <span>Ruth Bader Ginsburg is an associate Justice of supreme court she is justice from august 10, 1993, after Sandra Day O'Connor she</span> is the second female justice to be confirmed, Clarence Thomas is also associate justice of supreme court he is Justice of supreme court since October 23, 1991. Stephen Breyer is also an associate justice of Supreme Court. he is a justice of supreme court from august 3, 1994.
Absolute monarchy: total rule by king/queen
anarchy: no government
autocracy: rule by one ruler
communism: government-regulated business to eliminate class
democracy: voting for government
dictatorship: rule by someone who’s taken over
direct democracy: voting directly on laws
monarchy: rule by king/queen and parliament
oligarchy: rule by a group
rep. democracy: voting for representatives to vote on laws
republic: representatives are elected
socialism: government partially controls businesses to somewhat decrease class
Continuous development sees our development as a cumulative process: Changes are gradual. On the other hand, discontinuous development sees our development as taking place in specific steps or stages: Changes are sudden. 3. Children develop at different rates.
D, the postal service should operate on Sunday