becoming a person of trust
Dr. Warren Bennis of the University of California undertook a five year research project in the 1980's that explicitly looks at various types of successful leaders. Interestingly, the results found that while every leader had their own distinguishable leadership style, what made the research unique was that all of them shared four leadership competencies which includes:
- Management of Attention
- Management of meaning
- Management of Trust
- Management of Self.
Goverment? Im sorry this is just a guess
That statement is false.
On average, people obtain a sense of humbleness as we got more mature.
This is also true among artists. Younger/new artists tend to feel that they're artworks are a break through and should be used as a new standard even if their skill is still unpolished.
The purpose of the Reconstruction was to help the South become a part of the Union again. Federal troops occupied much of the South during the Reconstruction to insure that laws were followed and that another uprising did not occur. Many people wanted the South to be punished for trying to leave the Union.