Answer: All of the above
200 OK, 301 permanently moved and 400 bad request all are the Hyper text transfer protocol (HTTP) response status type. The HTTP response status types basically indicated the complete request in the HTTP.
All these given types are the responses and request that are involved in the HTTP status type.
200 OK is one of the request which basically depends upon the HTTP status type success.
301 permanently moved is the response in the URL which are used for permanently change the resources of request.
And 400 bad request is not properly understand by server due to the invalid syntax in the HTTP.
I think it'd be terminal concentrator. A(n) terminal concentrator is a front - end processor that multiplexes the traffic from hundreds of remote terminals into one port on a large computer.
#program in Python
#read until user Enter an integer
while True:
#try block to check integer
#read input from user
inp = int(input("Enter an integer: "))
#print input
print("The integer is: ",inp)
#if input is not integer
except ValueError:
#print message
print("Wrong: try again.")
In try block, read input from user.If the input is not integer the print a message in except block.Read the input until user enter an integer. When user enter an integer then print the integer and break the loop.
Enter an integer: acs
Wrong: try again.
Enter an integer: 4a
Wrong: try again.
Enter an integer: 2.2
Wrong: try again.
Enter an integer: 12
The integer is: 12
B. Click Set Up, Slide Show, and then select the Loop continously until 'Esc' and use timings, if present options.
PowerPoint presentation is a program which was developed by Microsoft. It is a platform which is used to create business presentation or educational presentations, etc.
In order to play the slide show continuously without our interaction, we need to do the following steps :
1. In the powerpoint presentation, we have to click "Slide Show" tab in the ribbon and then click on the "Set up slide show" on the Set Up bar.
2. The set up slide show dialogue box will pop up. In this we have to check or tick on the "Loop continuously until 'Esc' " in the "Show Option" and then click 'OK'
3. Now in the "Slides" preview side panel, we have to click the 1st slide , then Press and hold the 'Shift' key and then click the last slide. This selects all the slides.
4. Now, in the transition tab, in the "Timing" group, we have or uncheck or untick the " On Mouse Click " and also check the " After"
Customer Relationship Management (CRM).
CRM is an acronym for customer relationship management and it typically involves the process of combining strategies, techniques, practices and technology so as to effectively and efficiently manage their customer data in order to improve and enhance customer satisfaction.
This ultimately implies that, these employees are saddled with the responsibility of ensuring the customer are satisfied and happy with their service at all times.
Marketing can be defined as the process of developing promotional techniques and sales strategies by a firm, so as to enhance the availability of goods and services to meet the needs of the end users or consumers through advertising and market research. It comprises of all the activities such as, identifying, anticipating set of medium and processes for creating, promoting, delivering, and exchanging goods and services that has value for customers.
Basically, CRM involves understanding customer needs, building and maintaining healthy long-term relationships with them, in order to add value or scale up your business.
Hence, customer relationship management (CRM) is one of the popular marketing strategy that is mainly based on the acquisition, enhancement, and retention of long-term relationships that add value for the organization and the customer.