Following are the solution to this question:
The circulatory system is also known as the cardiovascular system or the vascular system, which allows blood to flow from cells in the body continually oxygenates the skin and tissue. It will take blood and oxygen from certain tissue to the tissue and veins, but deoxygenated blood to the lungs from the tissues.
Water has the highest specific heat capacity of any sort/type of liquid.
<u>Answer</u>: option B they have a random gene mutation that affects their fur colour.
<u>Explanation</u> :-
- <em>Variation</em> is the phenomena which occurs in all populations.
- These variations result in slight differences in the phenotypes of individuals .
- These variations only arise due to <em>random mutations </em>that arise in the individuals’ genome and then can be inherited by their offspring.
- There is always a probability of one particular trait to make the individuals survive better in the environment as compared to other trait.
- The individuals having the trait that helps them to survive better in the environment tend to survive more and leave more progeny. This is termed as <em>survival of the fittest</em>.
- Thus, according to the question it can be inferred that the dark fur colour arose due to a <em>random mutation </em>since it is the only source of variation. Since, in the given environmental conditions the mice having the dark fur colour were less susceptible to the predators they are better fitted to survive.
- The dark brown fur coat mice, survive better, leave more progeny and hence, increase their population with time. However, the orginal source of origin of this trait was a random mutation. Had this mutation not occured, the dark coloured fur mice would not have been there.
So, a <em>random gene mutation affecting the fur colour made the dark coloured mice first appear in the population.</em>
The "Cranes" is a short story book written by Hwang Sunwon. The story is set in Korea during the Korean War and focuses on two childhood friends, Songsam and Tokchae, who are on opposite sides during the war. Songsam has two flashbacks of his childhood memories with his friend Tokchae, where he remembers how they used to climb the trees and catch cranes. These flashbacks act as a reminder of the times he had spent with his friend and the importance of this friendship. As a result, these memories motivate him to let Tokchae free.